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Doc. Flavia Butturini resume

Doc. Flavia Butturini

Personal Informations
Name Flavia Butturini
Nazionality Italian
Place and date of birth Rome, 12.12.1963
Fiscal cod. SSN BTTFLV63T52H501V
Profession Pediatrician Neonatologist
Current position Free-choice pediatrician, ASL RM5 Fonte Nuova district Roma 00013
Professional experience
Since 15.03.2024
Position as free-choice pediatrician, ASL RM5 Fonte Nuova district Roma 00013
From 01.03.2014 to 14.03.2024 employed (permanent) by the San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital of Rome as medical director – Neonatology discipline – Intensive Care in UOC Neonatology.
From 01.04.2012 to 28.02.2014


employed (permanent) by the Policlinico Umberto I Company of Rome as Medical Director – Neonatology discipline with assignment at the DAI of Pediatrics (UOC of Neonatal Intensive Care, UOS Emergency Neonatal Transport Service).
From 08.05.2000 to 31.03.2012


Medical Director at the UOC of Neonatal Intensive Care
of the Umberto I General Hospital of Rome (fixed-term company contracts – Legislative Decree 368/01 – with single interruption from 09.05.2003 to 05.30.2003)
From 01.06.1994 to 07.05.2000 Professional Free Contract with the University “La Sapienza” of Rome (and then with the Policlinico Umberto I) as Pediatrician-Neonatologist for the Neonatal Emergency Transport Service of the II Chair of Pediatric Clinic.
From 08.08.1991 to 15.09.1991 Temporary Medical Assistant at the autonomous Pediatric Section of the General Hospital of Zona San Pietro FBF in Rome
Education and training
Academic Year 2011-12 Master’s Degree in Intensive Care 0-18 years at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Academic Year 2011-12 Specialization in Neonatal Ultrasound at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the “G. D’Annunzio ”of Chieti
Academic Year 1996-97 Specialization in Emergency Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Academic Year 1995-96 Specialization in Pediatric Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
25.10.1993 Specialization in Pediatrics with specialization in Neonatology and Neonatal Pathology obtained at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a vote of 70/70 cum laude
November 1994 Awarding of the Sandro Nodari Prize for the best Specialization Thesis in Neonatology carried out in 1993
From 01.07.1993 to 30.06.1994 Scholarship awarded by the National Research Council in the context of the Project “Disease Factors Prevention and Control” for research on the theme: “Monitoring of neonatal respiratory function: rational for computerized ventilatory assistance”
From 01.03.1992 to 28.02.1993 Scholarship awarded by the National Research Council in the context of the Project “Disease Factors Prevention and Control” for research on the theme: “Monitoring of neonatal respiratory function: rational for computerized ventilatory assistance”
26.07.1989 Registered with the Medical Association of Rome with n. of order 40957
April 1989 Qualification to practice the profession at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”
31.03.1989 July 1982 Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with 110/110 cum laude.Diploma of classical high school achieved in the Liceo Classico Tito Lucrezio Caro (Rome)
Further information
Experiences as a speaker Participation in numerous meetings and congresses as a speaker, lecturer or tutor on neonatology topics
Publications Participation in the drafting of several tens of works published in Italian and foreign magazines or texts
Personal and relational skills and competences She has excellent interpersonal and organizational skills and has carried out teaching activities at:• the Faculty of Nursing of the Policlinico Umberto I

• the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (La Sapienza University)

• the II School of specialization in Pediatrics (University La Sapienza)

• II Master of Pediatric Intensive Care (La Sapienza University)

She has been a tutor in teaching hospital practical activities for post-graduate students during their attendance at the UOC of Neonatal Intensive Care where they worked.

She is a qualified Pediatric Basic Life Support instructor and has participated as an instructor in:

• PBLS courses held in various locations

• BLSD courses held in the Policlinico Umberto I, as part of the project to educate all medical personnel on the use of defibrillators.

Technical skills and competences Neonatal resuscitator, expert in assistance procedures for newborns in intensive care and during emergency transport and in the management of neonatal intensive care equipment (mechanical ventilation, monitoring of vital functions, monitoring of brain function, etc.)Use of ultrasound equipment in neonatal brain diagnostics.

For about a decade, it has carried out the follow-up activity of the newborn at risk within the Complex Operative Unit of Intensive Care with the development of advanced skills in neonatal neurology.

Language skills
Native language Italian
Other languages



French (good verbal and written comprehension, good conversation)English (good comprehension of texts, school conversation)

Spanish (good comprehension of texts, school conversation)

IT skills Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft environment, use of Office packages, Internet research

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