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Service rules

Information for parents of supported children


Visits are carried out by appointment, in order to avoid long stays in the waiting room, which are poorly tolerated by children, especially if they are ill, as well as possible infections.
Urgent visits are always possible during the opening hours of the practice but always by appointment.


For pediatric advice or pathology appointments you can call or send a message on WhatsApp to the tel. 351 375 8495 (Dr. Butturini answers); if it is not possible to reply at the moment you will be called back as soon as possible, the same goes for messages.

We ask you to kindly call during study hours only if you believe you have a real emergency. Do not send voice messages or use text messages, they will not be read.

Email is a convenient tool for the agreed upon sending of documents, it can be used to request periodic appointments or for health assessments, to request certificates and prescriptions (drugs, laboratory tests, specialist visits, etc.).
It cannot be used for: urgent communications for pathologies, requests for appointments for pathologies.

Opening time

Monday and Thursday from 4.00pm to 7.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 13.00

Please remember that your pediatrician is not on duty:doctor-office-closed

on Saturdays after 10am, on weekdays after 2pm,

on holidays and Sundays and also every night (from 8pm to 8am);

telephone contact and timely reading of messages or emails sent at these times are not guaranteed.

In case of urgent need when your pediatrician is not on duty, you can contact:

– to the Continuity of Care Service (formerly Medical Guard), (consider however that the medical staff are not specialists in paediatrics), tel. 06 585 268 11;

– to the Pediatric Emergency Department:hospital-emergency

Policlinico Umberto I (location),

Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (location),

Osp. S. Pietro FateBeneFratelli (location),

Policlinico A. Gemelli (location),

San Camillo Hospital (location).

Go to the emergency room for an immediate medical response in true emergency conditions or for very young check

Tips for using the telephone

In the telephone conversation with your pediatrician, who receives numerous calls every day, be clear, as brief as possible, say your child’s name and surname.

Keep a pen and paper handy to write down and keep the doctor’s suggestions; If the child is already taking medications, write down the name and doses so you can report them.

If something in the pediatrician’s instructions is not clear, feel free to ask him to repeat it.

If you think you have an emergency, call the pediatrician or send a message via WhatsApp, as short as possible, non-vocal.

Thanks for collaboration

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